Monday, November 19, 2018

The minor vs The major



     Everyday you wake up, it's a blessing. Yes, a blessing everyone knows that but not everyone appreciates it. What makes up this blessing is the fact the you were given a new day to live, and to make a difference in this world.

     When you start your day with a prayer, you know you will be alright throughout the day. Yet again, everyone prays in the morning for their desires, but not everyone prays consciously.

     These days, respect seems to be lacking in our actions. Everything we do, we're missing something important, appreciation and respect. We seem to forget that the people we work with, and the ones serving us are actually people in return. They have their own lives, their own issues, and their own concerns. We seem to lack notice of that and think the world revolve around ourselves only. Why do we forget that these people may be having a bad day and are forcing themselves to smile and serve us with their best, why do we seem to forget that they maybe experiencing the best day of their lives and forget to say something nice just to add a little more joy to their lives? Why does this seem too hard to perform?

     Funny to mention, it is way too easy to show off and dive into other people's private lives. It is also way too easy to follow the trends and the latest hypocrisy trends, yet too hard to show appreciation and to respect..what is this turning us into...monsters day by day.

     This scares me of the day future becomes near, and their is no decency and kindness amongst people, this may seem scary indeed but still in return I appreciate and respect the very few 1% of this population that really thinks the way I do, that still respects and appreciates and prays sincerely from the bottom of their heart.

     May people like you replicate and outgrow the ones that don't give a shit about anything but themselves.


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