Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Post it on the Internet


This way was expected decades ago.

People in the past feared its approach, but people living in its generation have no idea what is going on.

Several years ago, people feared the day technology will steal away a heartfelt conversation, and undoubtedly a loved one.

They used to pray for avoidance of this time, some are already gone, while others were perked to live in the most undesired generation.

"It's like living with the dead", some of them say. You go out for lunch with your friends and the first thing they want to do is take a picture of the restaurant's logo, then upload it on the internet. Next, they want to take a picture of all you together in what is called a "selfie" and also post in on the internet. Then things start to calm down and technology is put aside until the appetizers are placed in the middle of the table. Again, they take a picture of it and sometimes of them eating it and post it on the internet. Things start to calm down again with technology put aside while you enjoy the appetizer together.

"Phew, finally.", you think and start a decent conversation and enjoy the talks with your friends until the main courses start to roll onto the table and your dishes become this afternoon's person of interest and leading models.

"Why bother," you start to think to yourself and enjoy the meal on your own.

When you go home, you start to reminisce over the good old days, when a one hour lunch  break would extend to a two-three hour lunch break with laughs, talks and fun moments. Now, there is nothing like that anymore, it's all centered around "let me show them what I'm doing."

People do not enjoy a day out in the park without "showing them what they are doing.", they do not even enjoy a 45 minute yoga session before posting something online to "let them know that I'm doing Yoga tonight."

No wonder our ancestors feared this day, how did they know it was going to come?

The put in a little effort and made a study to conclude that.

Fearing the day when technology steals our loved ones away, and fearing the time where you decide to write a diary and look for a stranger to speak to hoping your language and vocabulary will not fade away with time.


How did we become slaves to technology?

It is not a bad thing to work hand-in-hand with it, but it sure is bad to live a life with technology alone and forget the world.

Wake up, before its too late.


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